The errors are
in my build log and look like this:
cd /opt/trinity/bin && ./tdelfeditor -m
"artswrapper" ""
"" "" ""
"Trinity Desktop Environment"
"" "" "01/19/2012
19:33:11" "artswrapper"
|| true
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /opt/trinity/bin: No such file or
The problem is /opt/trinity/bin does not yet exist.
Hence the errors.
Try the attached patch.
You da man!
No more "No such file or directory" errors from tdelfeditor.
But I ran into a strange quirk. :(
I receive build failures with this error message:
cd /dev/shm/ && if [[ -e /opt/trinity/bin/tdelfeditor ]];
then /opt/trinity/bin/tdelfeditor -m /dev/shm/
"artswrapper" "" "" "" "" "Trinity
Desktop Environment" "" "" "01/19/2012 22:01:43"
"artswrapper" "" || true fi
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
make[2]: *** [soundserver/artswrapper] Error 1
Notice the missing semi-colon at the end. Seems the semi-colon between the true and fi
disappears into thin air.
After the configure and before the make I need to run the following:
find -name build.make -exec sed -i 's: || true fi: || true; fi:' {} \;
What is tdelfeditor anyway?