I updated GIT a couple of hours ago, short version
8488. As always, a
clean build from scratch. I rebuilt all core modules. Menu item
highlighting remains broken.
Very strange, as it works just fine here. What style(s) are you seeing
this problem with?
The Alt key is broken. That is, sequentially
pressing Alt, F, O no
functions. I have to concurrently press Alt-F to
open the app File
The Alt breakage affects non Trinity apps too.
That sounds suspiciously like a system issue, not a TDE one, unless you
are referring to TQt3 based applications?
The only non Trinity app I tested the Alt key was Firefox. but sequential
usage of the Alt failed there and in all Trinity apps.
The problem is the recent commits. I reverted to GIT short version 8443
from Oct. 29 and both the menu item highlighting and the Alt key function
normally again.
I use the KDE 2 window decoration, KDE Classic widget style, and
crystalsvg icon set. I don't use themes.
With the GIT 8462 build set from yesterday I tested other window
decorations and widget styles. Only a combined plastik window decoration
and widget style allowed menu item highlighting to work.
I did not test the Alt key problem when I was testing the menu item
highlighting. I discovered that problem about an hour after, at which
point I reverted to my Oct. 29 8443 build because both problems were
creating serious usability dysfunction with my habits.