Darrell, All
I don't know if you have opened TDevelop and looked for any of the help pages,
but apparently there is a problem with the search path to the help/man files for
a lot of the information can't be found. TDevelop looks like it is operating
correctly, but most pages (including help pages for TQt, TQt Designer and TQt
Assistant) can't be found. Here is what is working/not working:
libxml2 API pages -- working
libglade -- working
User Agent Acces.. -- working
SVG Pages -- working
SDL Pages -- Man Page Dependent
OpenGL -- Man Page Dependent
KDevelop API Docs -- NOT working (bad links?)
Document Object Mod -- working
The KDE API Reference -- NOT working (bad path?)
qmake User Guide -- NOT working
TQt Reference Docs -- NOT working
TQt Designer Manual -- NOT working
TQt Assistant Manual -- NOT working
Guide of the TQt Trans. -- NOT working
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
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