Please correct me, but to my knowledge there is no
mechanism in place to
warn users when the Trinity compositor will not work. There are two
conditions that I am aware:
* An existing xorg.conf contains the following:
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "false"
* A packager purposely disables compositor support such as proposed in
enhancement request 1289: -DWITH_XCOMPOSITE=OFF.
Currently with either condition, the user is allowed to enable the
compositor, KControl->Desktop->Window Behavior->Translucency, and there is
no feedback that this is an exercise in futility, which likely will
confuse most users.
What is the preferred method for informing users why their efforts will
not succeed, or to inform them that the options are unavailable?
A message stating this should be shown in the kcontrol module, and the
corresponding options should be greyed out.