Darrell, All,
Running Quanta+ in R14 results in a dialog appearing noting that various
helper applications that quata uses cannot be found:
Some applications required for full functionality are missing or installed
- Kommander [various script based dialogs including the Quick Start dialog] will
not be available;
- Tidy [HTML syntax checking] will not be available;
- KXSLDbg [XSLT debugging] will not be available;
- KImageMapEditor [editing HTML image maps] will not be available;
- KLinkStatus [link validity checking] will not be available.
I don't know if these are pieces of tdelibs, tdebase or some external
application that quanta isn't seeing and finding, but I've built all the develop
applications and applications in the git tree that were not bibletime related,
etc.., so this may be a side-effect of K->T renaming.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
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