De: Timothy Pearson
Asunto: [trinity-devel] TDE Status Report
Para: trinity-devel(a)
Fecha: sábado, 6 de abril, 2013 04:59
Hi all,
After discussions with the core development team, I have
realised that I
owe everybody a long overdue update regarding Trinity.
I apologise for the relatively long term silence on these
mailing lists.
Like most people, I have to work in order to keep the lights
on and the
servers humming, and these commitments have taken time away
from TDE. In
particular over the past several months I have not had any
spare time to
dedicate to TDE, which is why most development (other than
tireless patching) had appeared to grind to a halt.
The good news is that the work which had been taking most of
my time is
now easing up. I am currently diving into the
bugtracker and am currently
focused on getting R14.0.0 stabilized and ready to ship.
Thanks to several other dedicated individuals involved in
the Trinity
project, progress has continued while I was away.
R14.0.0 is looking good
overall, and the R14.0.0 road map and long term TDE road
maps have been
updated on the Etherpad to more accurately reflect our
Despite my absence I am encouraged that TDE will continue to
move forward.
After some discussions with the core developers of TDE, I
have begun to
realise that the project's top priority from now on needs to
be resolving
bug reports. Other work will continue, including
enhancements and feature
requests, but bug quashing will need to remain a top
priority to ensure
TDE's survival and success.
Secondly, Trinity has much in common with other "secondary"
environments. We never will have the developer power
or userbase of KDE,
GNOME, or Unity, but like our cousin "secondary" desktops,
TDE has a vtal
role to play in the free/libre software world. We
should strive for
excellence within our particular software design model, and
not worry so
much about what the Big Three desktops are doing at any
given instant.
My motivation for using and developing Trinity is to create
a desktop that
functions the way I think it should function. How people
believe a desktop
should function varies widely and this is why so many exist,
along with
many window managers. The Trinity philosophy does not
embrace certain
popular elements now available in other desktops, and those
elements are
unlikely to ever become a part of Trinity. That kind
of focus is neither
"bad" nor "good." We live in a large, varied world and there
is plenty of
room for all of these varying opinions and designs.
This is also part of
the method why free/libre software will succeed in the long
run: by
encouraging choice and freedom of opinions.
Continuing Trinity is not about "us" versus "them"; instead,
we are simply
exercising our freedom of choice by improving our software
as we see fit.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Thank you so much for being patient the past several
months. I know it
was difficult for many of you, but rest assured that work on
TDE will pick
up again, especially with your continuing support!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
Thanks Timothy for the email!
(I apologize in advance for my bad English, I have a bit of a hurry writing)
As a tireless advocate KDE-3 user, I really want TDE has a long life and continue to
develop and improve in the future (short, medium and long term).
I look for a desktop that is configurable and complete (not simplistic as LXDE,...) and
with characteristics centered in its useful for users and no a sample of technic
virtuosity (tablet sense GNOME3/Shell/Unity, plasmoids KDE4,...). KDE3/TDE and XFCE4 are
the closest to this ideal of desktop focused on what users really need to take advantage
of your desktop (MATE is too simple, more inline with LXDE), and KDE3/TDE most than XFCE4
(KDE3/TDE is more complete in features). (My apologize for those who feel uncomfortable
with this statements, nor do I have any interest in entering into a discussion about
desktop environments).
As a reporter of a lot of bugs, my biggest reservations about TDE has been little
attention paid to solve bugs reported. I have find frustrating that TDE have a number of
bugs significantly greater than its predecessor KDE3 (comparing TDE with Debian Etch and
Lenny's KDE-3, I tested TDE in Lenny, Squeeze and Wheezy). Several months ago I
volunteered to help with what little I can to do for the development of TDE (basically
contribute with Spanish translations and report bug), but that I continue locating bugs
back down me to invest time in translations and more. If you really are going to invest a
lot of effort in TDE now to resolve outstanding bugs, for me is the best possible news!
Best regards