I am using Trinity in an environment with no
kde4 and hence no qt4.
I do likewise in my Slackware build environments. No possible contamination or confusion.
Everything is compiled with /usr
prefix. I am also using a slackware 14.0 base. I need to
compile avahi so as to give konqueror zeroconf support but
here is where i run into a predicament. Avahi looks for
moc-qt3 and moc (during compilation) and since these have
become moc-tqt and tmoc it does not find them.
Can anyone experienced with building on slack14 give me an
idea how to get around this?
Only to mention the obvious, be sure avahi is built and installed. :) I'm using
version 0.6.30 and the build script from
With that out of the way, here are my configure options for the Trinity avahi-tqt
./autogen.sh \
--prefix=${PREFIX} \
--sysconfdir=${SYSCONFDIR} \
--libdir=${LIBDIR} \
--mandir=${MANDIR} \
--enable-compat-libdns_sd || exit 1
I hope that helps. :)