On 02/10/2014 11:11 AM, Darrell Anderson wrote:
I bet that is
Well, pay up because that is not the cause.
Alright, what flavor beer and where to send it...?
but... I'm almost willing to double-down on the issue, because those are the
exact messages I saw when I started building this latest round of TDE and the
arch makepkg defaults were switched to strip all .la files from my packages. The
dependency checks generally just look that you HAVE_XYZ installed not that
libtdexyz.la exists. So almost all packages would build fine, it was just at the
time that a non-existent .la was needed would I get the error.
Yes, I'm irritated. Please reverse the patches and
post to a bug
report where they can be tested.
heh,heh,heh, sip4-tqt FTBFS, python-tqt FTBFS, tdeutils FTBFS, etc... I feel
your pain... and share the bags under your eyes :-)
deep breath, we'll get it sorted.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.