Has anyone been building tqca and tqca-tls as 64-bit packages?
They fail for not finding libtqt-mt.so. This is the snippet from the configure file:
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
rm -rf .qconftemp
echo fail
echo "There was an error compiling 'conf'. Be sure you have a proper"
echo "TQt 3.x Multithreaded (MT) build environment set up."
if [ ! -f "$QTDIR/lib/libtqt-mt.so.3" ]; then
echo "One possible reason is that you don't have"
echo "libtqt-mt.so.3 installed in $QTDIR/lib/."
exit 1;
I have $LIBDIR exported as /opt/trinity/lib64, but the tqca/tqca-tls configuration seems
to be hard-coded to $PREFIX/lib.
I'm probably missing something obvious because I see oodles of 64-bit RPM packages
online, meaning the packages build on 64-bit.
Currently I have all Trinity related 64-bit lib files installing to /opt/trinity/lib64.
I'm just beginning to build everything for 64-bit, but other than these two packages,
I seem to be proceeding okay. I'm presuming the two need to be patched or I have
something misconfigured in my build scripts.
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