On 02/22/2014 12:37 AM, Michele Calgaro wrote:
No problem on my system, ktimer closes correctly.
Debian/Testing amd64
Thank you Michele,
I think this is probably related to the systemd user session/process tracking
issue as well -- and the fact ktimer was calling "bash showrelnotes.sh". Like I
said, ktimer worked just as you would expect, it was just when it closed that
the kcrash was generated. I'll tinker with it some more and see if I can narrow
it down.
I have tested a few other times and:
(1) I can open/close ktimer fine if no command is run by ktimer; but
(2) If I run a command with ktimer, then when I close it, it crashes.
My build is about 10 days old, maybe something was a bit off when I built last
time that has been corrected.
Thanks for the confirmation.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.