On 08/12/2012 07:00 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
I don't know what name change did this, but kdesktop tries to load
It should be loading 'kdmtsak'. Here is the error generated in .xsession-errors:
[kdesktop] SAK driven secure dialog is not available for use (retcode 6). Check
tdmtsak for proper functionality.
I checked and the kdmtsak binary is there:
18:52 tdesru:~> l /opt/trinity/bin/*sak*
-rws--x--x 1 root root 28209 Aug 12 01:21 /opt/trinity/bin/kdmtsak
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24113 Aug 12 01:46 /opt/trinity/bin/tsak
This error is generate by tdebase/kdesktop/lockeng.cc, beginning line 282 in the
SaverEngine::slotSAKProcessExited() function.:
void SaverEngine::slotSAKProcessExited()
int retcode = mSAKProcess->exitStatus();
if ((retcode != 0) && (mSAKProcess->normalExit())) {
trinity_lockeng_sak_available = FALSE;
printf("[kdesktop] SAK driven secure dialog is not available for use
(retcode %d). Check tdmtsak for proper functionality.\n", retcode); fflush(stdout);
if ((mSAKProcess->normalExit()) && (trinity_lockeng_sak_available == TRUE))
bool ok = true;
if (mState == Waiting)
ok = startLockProcess( SecureDialog );
if( ok && mState != Saving )
mLockProcess.kill( SIGHUP );
Looking at line 90, it looks like mSAKProcess is calling the correct
executable "kdmtsak", so I don't know why the error was being generated:
mSAKProcess = new KProcess;
*mSAKProcess << "kdmtsak";
My only guess is there was a problem with a mismatch on my box between the
names for kdm.pid and tdm.pid (in my init script for kdm). But I haven't found
how that could cause a kdmtsak failure... I will test with R14 and see if I can
see what is happening there. I also have tsak enabled there and I DO get the
same error on R14:
[kdesktop] SAK driven secure dialog is not available for use (retcode 6). Check
tdmtsak for proper functionality.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.