On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Calvin Morrison <mutantturkey(a)gmail.com> wrote:
2012/3/5 François ANDRIOT
I'm packaging TDE for RHEL and Fedora, but trying to keep each distribution
specific artwork (at least, the default wallpaper, and the default "start"
button in kicker). That way, TDE looks like it is integrated in each distro.
To do so, I currently modify the default 'startkde' script, so that default
user preference file are created upon first login.
In fact, there are ubuntu-specific stuff in the default startkde script, I
just wrote a patch that replaces ubuntu stuff with RHEL/Fedora stuff.
This ubuntu stuff should be removed - anything extra should patched
distro by distro I think.
Should we consider an easy way (e.g. a cmake
directive ...) to put the
distribution-specific artwork at build time ?
I think a distro-agnostic way to do it would be best - If cmake could
handle this that would be good. TDE as a project should ship only
distro independent packages, then packagers can add their stuff back
I actually had one of my friends ask me why I suddenly started using
Ubuntu -- he recognized the logo on one of the icons and heard me
talking about Linux awhile back (he could vividly remember me
describing the problems I had with Ubuntu in my days as a young
grasshopper in the world of Linux).
The artwork definitely needs to be generic. Even the TDM reference to
Ubuntu needs changed -- I changed the theme the other day and when I
turned on my laptop next, I was greeted with "Welcome to Ubuntu" (or
something to that effect).
Adding distro-agnositc options to cmake to change icons that most
distros would change is definitely a good idea. Possibly even for the
default greeting for KDM.
Kristopher Gamrat