In kcontrol /Security & Privacy/Password &
User Account/ -- I can't set a
photo for user. Under the Login Administration/User tab I
selected the order for
setting the icon to be Users,Admin which should allow the
user to set his own
face icon (that should allow the user to set his face here
shouldn't it?)
When you click on the square box to set the icon, you
get this error:
"Your administrator has disallowed changing your
image." (bummer)
Anyway, please confirm this behavior. If it is
something controlled by kdmrc,
then that will need to be adjusted to allow the user to set
his own face by default.
Confirmed. Even funnier is I get the same message when trying to change the image as root.
Same results in my KDE3 setup. I tried all four options in Login Manager Users tab.
The error message is found in tdebase/kdepasswd/kcm/main.cpp.
Looking at the code (and I'm a C++ newbie), I see that _facePerm can be assigned one
of four string values:
There are four tests in main.cpp:
if ( _facePerm == adminFirst )
if ( _facePerm >= userFirst )
else if ( _facePerm <= adminOnly )
if ( _facePerm < userFirst )
Three of those _facePerm tests are testing against integer values rather than string
values. I don't know why the tests are using >=, <=, and <. Perhaps once upon
a time in the code those values were integer values.
Seems to me all of the tests should be:
if ( _facePerm == userFirst )
else if ( _facePerm == adminOnly )
if ( _facePerm != userFirst )
I created a patch. I changed >= and <= to == and < to != and tested. Guess what?
For three of the options the faces picker dialog appears and only when Admin (AdminOnly)
is selected did I receive the "disallowed" dialog message. :)
Tim, should I push the patch?