Anno domini 2019 Mon, 11 Feb 04:22:45 -0500
Felix Miata scripsit:
Is there a way to make reboots following updates not
take over 2 minutes just to begin? I see this
somewhat often, but haven't been tracking with which versions. The one just done is
14.0.6~pre38 on
Interesting question, as the "surprise after upgrade" hit me just this weekend
Do you know what hangs on boot, the OS ot TDE?
What exactly is a "User Manager"?
"In case of an error hit user to continue" ;-) Honestly, never seen that,
sounds like some kind of infection ... Oh wait, some long evicted cells of windoz knowlede
insist that there was a colorful click-the-button-before-it-can-hide program on said
windoz that allowed to creade/modify/delete user accounts. Maybe that thing has been
ported to systemd lately ...
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA,
CIA ...