2013/8/14 Darrell Anderson <darrella(a)hushmail.com>
> Caveat:
The tde-i18n patch is huge. So huge that I will not even
> try to post the patch or try to push to git until I reduce to
> smaller patches and push piece-meal one at a time.
Woops! A typo in my diff command resulted in the large diff. The
final patch is now MUCH smaller and sane. :-)
I don't feel that I'm one of core testers,
but why not to push
them into
their own branch and let somebody test it?
IMO It's easier than mess with patch-sets and no mob of angry
developers or
testers will not want to broke your legs ;)
Branch? Um, nope, ain't going down that road. :-) Git hates me and
I hate git. I'm reasonably confident the patch set can be pushed to
git as is because I'm seeing no problems here. I asked the question
of posting patches for testing in case others don't feel confident,
which I'm fine with.
As you wish... But IMO git is nearly ideal... Comparing to it svn is
something that came from the depths of hell. [God bless, I haven't used
cvs. =) ]
The other benefit of doing everything in git (this is especially essential
for renames) is that you won't loose change history of files than you
decide to commit the changes. Of course you supposed to use "git mv" for
But... again, as you wish... Just pointing the alternative.
haven't forgot to rename cmake variables? e.g. in
Is that a question? To me?
Um... yes,,,, why are you so mush surprised?
During most of previous renames, I noticed, the cmake options were