> Let's make sure we make this configurable.
If no such feature exists then, of course, make this configurable.
>we should be able to do something like:
>kcontrol -> Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Navigation -> then add:
> [ ] Traverse windows in system tray
>Is this sort of what you were thinking Darrell?
>The hook to 'skip when minimized to tray' already exists somewhere
>in the code,
>all that needs to be done is to find it and then make it
>conditional on whether
>the Window Behavior or Special setting is checked. Any idea which
>block of code
>that would exist in? tdelibs?
Sounds like a good idea.
If this feature does not exist then I'll open an enhancement
Is anyone building on a distro using netctl to manage the network interfaces
such that the interface names are no long ethX, but instead enpXsX. What impact
does that have on the networking interfaces for networkmanager, knemo, etx...
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Is there a way to include minimized system tray apps in Alt+Tab
I would like to include Akregator and KMail in the list.
Thanks. :)
Hi David,
Welcome back. I hope all is well. :)
>The question that
>brought up was "do I need to modify any of the scripts I use that
>update my
>local git repo to handle the 'origin/v3.5.13-sru' designation, or
>will the
>change be handled by the .gitmodule data?
Look at the scripts directory:
Basically all I do is run switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean
inside a wrapper script.
> What is the state of HAL requirements? I presume it is still
>fully required in
>3.5.13, but what about 14? I will be building 3.5.13, so I'll
>start by checking
>on the state of HAL in the Arch user repository.
Trinity R14 has its own HAL-independent hardware support.
still uses HAL available. You can use HAL in R14 if you want, you
need to apply the appropriate configuration options. Look at the
following tdelibs config if you want to build outside the defaults:
I believe most if not all of the development team is using R14.
Many of us have test partitions or VMs. can be
built from the official tarballs, whereas R14 is built from the GIT
Although there have been many changes in the past months, the
structure of the git tree remains the same. The scripts noted above
have not been modified in a long while either.
>you can add my opinion if you think it is valuable. You can use my
>name for reference purposes.
>For several years I was a happy KDE 3.5.x user. When support for
>KDE 3.5 was dropped in Debian, I moved through several DE (KDE4,
>Gnome 2 & 3, Xfce) but none of them fully satisfied my needs, for
>a reason or another.
>Then I discovered TDE and I immediately felt at home: finally I
>could use again a productive and complete DE without having to
>keep fighting every day with features that either I didn't need
>(and couldn't remove) or that didn't stay where I placed them.
>The TDE development team is very friendly, so anyone (myself
>included) can contribute to preserve and enhance this fantastic DE.
Thank you! This is a good start.
Would you please consider some refinements? Perhaps something like
"Recently I discovered Trinity. I immediately felt at home with
this traditional computer desktop environment. In this day of
tablets and smart phones, traditional desktop environments still
play important roles. The TDE development team is friendly and
anyone such as myself may contribute to preserve and enhance this
fantastic desktop environment." --- Michele Calgaro, Italy
I believe my origin/master local git checkout is almost fixed, but I have
several nasty warning and errors that remain when I run:
The error are primarily with main/thirdparty and scripts. The full output of
/scripts/switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean is available here along with
the git status:
A summary of the errors are:
02:07 phoinix:/dat_e/tde> ./scripts/switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean drankin
Preparing /dat_e/tde for development use
error: 'main/thirdparty' appears as both a file and as a directory
error: main/thirdparty: cannot drop to stage #0
warning: unable to rmdir scripts: Directory not empty
HEAD is now at 8303efe Reset submodule main/tdepim to latest HEAD
Auto-merging submodules
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in submodules
Adding scripts/update_all_submodules
Adding scripts/switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean
Adding scripts/commit_all_submodules
Adding scripts/README
CONFLICT (directory/file): There is a directory with name scripts in HEAD.
Adding scripts as scripts~580909096c254a79aebd7c852d91b002cdf31c37
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/git_10_28_2011/patches/libreoffice-trinity.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/git_05_11_2012/patches/libreoffice-trinity.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.6.0/patches/libreoffice-trinity.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.6.0/patches/libreoffice-fix-tde-vcl.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.6.0/patches/libreoffice-debian.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.6.0/patches/README
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.3.3/patches/libreoffice-trinity.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.3.3/patches/libreoffice-trinity-debian.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.3.3/patches/NOTES
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.3.2/patches/libreoffice-trinity.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.3.2/patches/libreoffice-trinity-debian.diff
Adding main/thirdparty/libreoffice/3.3.2/patches/NOTES
CONFLICT (directory/file): There is a directory with name main/thirdparty in
HEAD. Adding main/thirdparty as
Auto-merging main/tdewebdev
CONFLICT (submodule): Merge conflict in main/tdewebdev
Auto-merging main/tdevelop
<snip -- many, many more CONFLICT (submodule)...>
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in README.GIT
Auto-merging .gitmodules
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in .gitmodules
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
error: 'main/thirdparty' appears as both a file and as a directory
error: main/thirdparty: cannot drop to stage #0
warning: unable to rmdir scripts: Directory not empty
HEAD is now at 8303efe Reset submodule main/tdepim to latest HEAD
Cloning into 'main/applications/kdmtheme'...
fatal: repository 'http://drankin@scm.trinitydesktop.org/scm/git/kdmtheme/' not
Clone of 'http://drankin@scm.trinitydesktop.org/scm/git/kdmtheme' into submodule
path 'main/applications/kdmtheme' failed
Entering 'experimental'
Previous HEAD position was be11de5... Add tqt3 binary rename
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Entering 'main/dependencies/python-tqt'
Already on 'master'
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
Entering 'main/dependencies/python-tqt'
Updating 9092fbf..a582675
sip/qt/qstyle.sip | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Entering 'experimental'
This script can only be run from a top level git directory. Exiting...
Stopping at 'experimental'; script returned non-zero status.
The git status command shows the following:
02:38 phoinix:/dat_e/tde> git status
On branch master
Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
and have 8401 and 3271 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: .gitmodules
deleted: main/applications/kdmtheme
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: experimental (new commits)
modified: main/applications/abakus (new commits)
modified: main/applications/adept (new commits)
modified: main/applications/amarok (new commits)
I was able to manually 'git rm main/applications/kdmtheme' to resolve that
issue, but no matter if I "git add <file>..." or "git checkout -- <file>...",
when I go to "git commit -a" I am left in vim with:
03:22 phoinix:/dat_e/tde> cat .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Committer: David C. Rankin <david (the at symbot) rlfpllc.com>
# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 8401 and 3271 different commits each, respectively.
# (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
# Changes to be committed:
# modified: .gitmodules
# modified: experimental
# modified: main/applications/abakus
# modified: main/applications/adept
# modified: main/applications/amarok
# modified: main/applications/basket
I just want to overwrite whatever I have with HEAD, not commit anything back
to git.trinitydesktop.org -- so what should I do when I am prompted by git
commit -a with this long file of commented changes?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Tim, Michele,
I noticed in Jessie was updated dpkg to version 0.17.5. This is a problem for
the current package format in nightly-builds. See:
The question is how to solve this problem in a relationship of the approaching
release date of R14.0.0?
The structure of the version that we now use in nigthly-builds and which is
similarly used for SRU versions (here we already use ~preXXX instead of
+rXXX), allows switch to quilt format. But to make such change in the
nightly-builds at this time? Or suspend building Jessie packages for this
time? Or in Jessie images on build-farm hold the previous version of dpkg for
this time?
Note: As I mentioned in my script to prepare the source deb package I already
use quilt format, so as soon as I'll begin prepare packages for R14.0.1, the
problem with Jessie will be resolved for SRU. And it will be a better time to
edit the script for nightly-builds packages.
What are your suggestions?
Git gurus,
A couple of questions:
(1) Why does the new script contain 'ff' in the following when there is no
provision to use the -f option more than once in
git clean -dxff
shouldn't it just be 'git clean -dxf'
Is there any difference between:
git submodule foreach "git checkout $branch"
git submodule foreach "$THISSCRIPT $gituser"
git submodule foreach "git checkout $branch && $THISSCRIPT $gituser"
logically it looks like the answer is nothing, but it never hurts to ask.
Additionally, I've been using the --recursive option with the submodule
foreach calls:
git submodule update --recursive
git submodule foreach --recursive "git checkout $branch"
Is there any reason against continuing to use the --recursive flag if we are
now calling $THISSCRIPT recursively?
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.