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Dear all,
the "compress as" submenu in Konqueror is going to have some minor rework.
We are changing the default compression format from gz to xz and enabling jar format (which could be useful for java
We would like to remove lzma from that menu since we think it is not widely used anymore (the format would still be
available through the "Add to archive" entry).
Any objection on this last point before we proceed?
The projects fatal mistake, is to think, that only the next bug fix
matters. All social aspects are ignored. Proof of that, is that you even
refuse to move the user mailing list to an official reddit. The easiest
thing to do, and still considered not worth the trouble.
1. Shut down the user mailing list, and drag you kicking and screaming, to an
official reedit
2. Shut down the git repo, and drag you kicking and screaming to github.
3. Impose renaming as top priority, and a split in several categories. With
main, of guaranteed minimum quality.
4. Bend over backwards, so that trinity is accepted in Debian.
All this, is just to increase exposire of the project.
You have to go, where people are.
This way, you get more users and devs.
Instead, every one here, only see's the very short term.
Literally, just the next patch.
This can not be done, without some one in charge.....
Yes, this is a coup....
Well, i don't think i'm saying anything controversial, when i'm saying
that pearson has no time for trinity, and the project is effectively
From the perspective of an outsider (me),
Slavek seams the most invested in the project....
Maybe he should be in charge.
Ok, everyone listen.
I'm proposing to split the programs, in official trinity
and extra. The list of official packages should be restricted.
They should be of good enough quality and as a whole should
be close to the functionality of DE like MATE and xfce. The devs
should decide upon the list, and then make sure they maintain
their quality. They should be renamed, with proper names, not
kdename-trinity, and pulled out of opt. In extra will be everything
else. The idea is, for the official part to be more appealing to distros.
If trinity get's in to distros, it will have more exposure and get more devs.
an initial proposal of what the official packages could be:
all the base system and libs of course
kdesktop, kicker, tdenetwork manager, tdm, kmix, klipper, control center,
dolphin, kwrite, kmail, kwallet, kaffeine, konsole, amarok, kalculator,
gwenview, ark, kpdf other?.
konqueror is not good enough for a default file manager because of
it's outdated web browsing component.
all the above should get proper names, not kdename-trinity
and moved out of opt. Even the libs, should be renamed something
like trinity libs, not tqt. The stuff in extra can stay in opt as it is.
And don't forget, the quality of what will be in the list must stay
good enough, you can't just shove everything. Once the list will
be desided, then it will need to be decided how to rename them.
The whole point of this, is to have something nice, the distros can
accept taking in. They should not see "Konqueror-trinity" that
can't render facebook or youtube. The whole point of getting accepted
by distros, is so that the project gets more exposure and hence more devs.
I'm proposing to move to github.
Not for technical reasons.
Github is the facebook of open source.
Been there, should attract more devs....
Moving the code will be simple enough.
The bugs however will not be straight forward....
I hope i'll get more responces then usual. -_-
If no one responds, a kitten will die.
I think trinity doesn't has much of a strategy.
Here some ideas
trinity would be split in to two parts
1.trinity proper
This will be a relatively restricted set of important components
of high quality. This will be a bit like other normal DE, like xfce and mate.
For example, it will have the libs, kdesktop, kicker, tdm, konsole, amarok,
kaffeine, dolphin, klipper etc... See restricted, important and high quality.
2. trinity extra apps
Here goes everything else
trinity proper will be given priority in fixing bugs.
Also, all of trinity proper would be properly renamed
and moved out of opt. for example tqt becomes
trinity libs, konsole becomes trinity terminal
or something like that. See proper names, not kdename-trinity.
Then, an attempt would be made, to push trinity proper
to debian. And from there it would move up ubuntu.
Trinity will get more exposure, more users and more bug fixes,
including for trinity extra apps.
For the extra apps, users would use an extra repo like now.
The names can stay "kdename-trinity" or be fully renamed.
And the quality maters less. At some unspecified time in the
future, apps from here will be moved to trinity proper.
an other idea would be, to move the code to github
Not for technical reasons. Many developers are already there.
This will increase the probability that the project will get more
exposure and devs.