On Thursday 03 March 2011 21:21:50 Mike Bird wrote:
It's quite
simple really. We have no legal right to use the trademark
"KDE" for anything. KDE e.V. has graciously cut us some slack during
this transitional period, but they could easily demand full removal of
all of their trademarks at any time (e.g. if this project starts actually
competing with KDE4 for some reason).
At some stage I would even like to see all the kfoo renamed to
tfoo so that they can become first-class file-system citizens
in mixed KDE/Trinity installations.
They can be renamed into still other names such as kcfoo for example.
On the other hand, I think renaming all that stuff is a very difficult even if
possible task. You would have not only change all the localization and
filenames, but also much of hard-coded stuff and a lot of third-party
software (of course if you do not want to drop compatibility with all that