On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 7:17 PM, /dev/ammo42
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 17:07:13 +0000
Tiago Marques <tiagomnm(a)gmail.com> wrote:
IMHO these kind of options don't even make
sense. If the user needs to
change the kernel, it could do it with the grub editors that sometime
ships in distros or just use the keyboard error. This has been a
feature that has confused me since KDE 3.2
KDE4 has the same feature, including a
recently implemented GRUB2
so it seems to be useful to some people.
(btw the GRUB2 patch seems to apply cleanly (but still manually as
the KCM-related file changed place between KDE3 and KDE4) to Trinity
3.5.13, but I didn't test it as I don't have GRUB2; the patch is
available at
It seems useful to some people who multiboot but even those should be savvy
enough to know how to select on grub. <snip>
Then their are those of us too lazy to do so, or that are easily distracted (like myself
;-) ) and who miss the chance to select the OS. (of course, I could increase the timeout
in GRUB, but I'm both too lazy and too obsessed with a faster boot ;-) )
Kris Gamrat
Ark Linux webmaster