On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 02:55:31 -0600
"David C. Rankin" <drankinatty(a)suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
On 02/20/2014 06:19 PM, E. Liddell wrote:
for the curious (note: Firefox, 10pt Arial font
inside the browser).
The template has been tested in a wide variety of browsers and
resolutions and works well in anything modern with at least an
800 x 600 resolution, and well enough in Lynx that you could
use it to download a package for installation. And no Javascript
has been added that wasn't there already, I promise.
E. Liddell
Good. Nothing wrong with js, just too many cites go crazy with it to the point
that the code become unreadable with 18 nested <div>s, etc. I'll have to see
the tabs across the top operate. I've never been a big fan of tabs-on-top
preferring css menu setups, I'm sure they will work fine here. How long until
you think it will go-live? I am ready to fill in the wki as soon as the site is up.
The tabs across the top aren't part of the site--I was just too lazy to trim the
edges of the screenshot. They're part of the Firefox chrome, although the
ColorfulTabs plugin probably makes that less than clear if you've never seen
it in action before. All of the site navigation is in the sidebar on the left below
the Trinity logo, in ordinary links. And the code mostly maxes out at 5 nested
divs. ;)
I have no idea when the actual deployment will take place. I still have to
produce matching skins for Bugzilla and the wiki (I may need to get in touch
with you off-list about the new wiki at some point). Darrell is the one doing
most of the content retouch, and he's a very busy guy right now.
E. Liddell