I created an etherpad containing TDE application
descriptions. I extracted much of the information from
Helpbook abstracts and then massaged the information
accordingly. The extraction process was not fluid or easy to
read, even after cleanup. I suspect a few apps are missing
from the list.
The descriptions are more or less grouped the
same as
the T-Menu.
Everybody please feel free to edit the list as
Tim, Calvin:
In my web site improvement suggestions I recommended
an applications description
page. Ideally, we should have
full web pages for certain apps, but this list will provide
a nice start.
I was thinking about page for each app, containing
screenshot, dependencies and build instructions. It will be
much work,
but I think it will ease for people who search for apps
with certain
functionalities and for those who are building them
Yes, that is where we go eventually. :)
The etherpad is an outline. Something that can be used in the revamped web site to
provide a basic list. The descriptions will grow with screen grabs. If everybody picked a
few apps, snapped a couple of screen shots, added more detail to the descriptions, then we
could have a nice application description section in short order.
Dependencies and build instructions should go in the wiki rather than main web site. Here
is a suggested outline for those wiki pages:
Feel free to edit as necessary everybody. :)
Trinity Package Build Requirements