On 05/07/2011 16:36, /dev/ammo42 wrote:
With the drawback that it will load both kdelibs3 and
kdelibs4 into
memory. If you have enough memory to accommodate the 2 versions of
kdelibs, you have probably enough memory to run KDE4.
Oh come on! Please, do not
answer things like that. There are so many different people
on Earth and we all have so many different choices & reasons for doing things or not
I tried KDE4 for a few weeks, maybe 2 months. And it was just too bad for my needs.
Before using it, I thought about somethings like "KDE4 must be KDE3 with more glossy
graphics rendering and *upgraded packages*", and I also thought I could disable
almost of
the graphics stuff, but, no. KDE4 missis some basic options KDE3 had, and KDE3 had them
for good reasons (I just think about alt-f5 shortcut (show all windows list) that is no
more available in KDE4 *if* you don't own powerful 3D graphics card).
Then, I found Trinity, installed it and was sooooooooooooo happy! I kept some KDE4 apps
for a while (kpdf, amarok2, etc.) but it was kind of a mess. So I finally removed all of
them and get back to my beloved "KDE3 desktop". Just what I wanted while
upgrading to
Debian Squeeze.
BTW, re-thank you so much for doing Trinity!