And just to jump in here, the existing website is
a good start,
but it needs a PR team portal (where selected people
involved in Public
Relations can post/edit the news articles) and an RSS feed
based on the
news articles.
The portal shouldn't be too hard; I can probably handle
that myself next
For QA and public image purposes, should we have one additional "PR person"
approve of any new News items that are posted to the web site and RSS feeds? That is, two
people from the PR team are required to "sign off" new posts? The News/RSS
announcements reflect an image. My thinking is to prevent any one person running amok for
whatever reason, even good intentioned reasons. :) Certainly we need nominal editorial
reviews --- bad grammar and spelling do not invoke feelings of confidence and
intelligence. :)
I keep hearing about the desire to provide a
spamming...oops, I mean "comments" section. :-) While
I agree with the
idea in principle, I firmly believe that the mailing lists
are the best
place for discussion if for no other reason than the Email
addresses in
use by posters are guaranteed to be valid, thereby
spam. Also, we would need at least two people who
would be willing to
check the comments section daily to remove spam and
essentially moderate
any discussion/postings present there.
If there is sufficient interest on the maintenance end then
technically it
is not hard to create such a commenting system. I
simply don't want to
see another failed forum attempt due to lack of support.
I think I'm the instigator of that idea. :) I don't want the process to become
burdensome. I realize people need to review anonymous postings, possibly several times a
day. Several people need to be on the team to share the load and I don't know that we
have that capacity. I still like the idea but I vote to delay the idea until after R14 and
then reopen for discussion.
I presume TDE still supports crash reports? What was that called --- Dr. Konki (Dr.
Trinity :) )? To where do those reports get forwarded? Is a login account required to
submit those crash reports?
Currently the option in the Help menus to create a bug report connects to the bugzilla,
but users are required to create an account. Which raises the original point that prompted
me to consider anonymous reports: many people won't join a bugzilla. That's just
human nature that most people won't get involved. :(
Perhaps the easy answer is if people won't join (the bugzilla or the lists) then they
get no support. :) Sounds crass in a small way, but we all have limits on our time and