On Wed, 18 Jan 2012 23:37:49 +0000
Tiago Marques <tiagomnm(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I didn't scale it, no. That's a bigger issue
though, as you can see from
Crystal SVG some cards have different versions for smaller icons, to
improve the icon's clarity. Sometimes it's warranted, sometimes it's not.
Regardless, this is something to worry about after a final selection is made.
Based on your
reaction, I suspect that what I presented actually looks
too finished. That's my fault, though--really, I know better.
I mean that I thought these were final designs?
It's something they warn you against in design school: presenting something
that looks too finished at an early stage can convince the client that all aspects
of the design are already set in stone. In this case, everything I posted was
a first draft--just a very polished-looking one--and I'm quite happy to make
changes if anyone has any specific complaints.
It might not be a bad idea to follow the suggestion made in one of the other
threads and repost the current set of logo candidates--both mine and
sh4dou's--to the users' list and ask for votes/comments/other candidates
(after all, logo design doesn't require coding skills!), but I'm too tired to do
it tonight.