as long as there is no trinity specific feed source,
i would recommend feed anyways.
at least there are some trinity entries from time to time
Why not get a collection of Linux RSS feeds that are
Here are few sites that I would recommend
Thanks for the suggestions. But I do need an approved list. This is a group decision and
not something I can presume on my own. :) We need to put any proposed list to a simple
Even with my nominal C++ skills, the code snippets are straightforward enough that I
should be able to provide a patch. Just copy and past URLs. :)
We should keep the default list limited to three feeds. We are providing a simple
functional test with the default feeds and not a marketing or proselytizing campaign.
Second, we need to limit the very first fetch. New users do not need or want a few hundred
news items. :) They only need to see that Akregator is functioning. We should choose feeds
that do not accumulate a dozen articles every day.
If Trinity does not offer an RSS feed, then we should select sites that are free/libre
software and generic about desktops.
BTW, Trinity should offer an RSS feed. :) A news item once a month is sufficient for our
team size.