Le 07/12/2011 18:41, Darrell Anderson a écrit :
Sounds like the problem then is not Amarok TDE but the
Debian package manager.
Apt and Dpkg aren't to blame: they are made to upgrade packages.
Downgrading always need some brain cells.
The main problem is that I use an unsupported system : debian testing
with debian-multimedia packages.
Trinity's Debian packages are for Debian stable ; they aren't fully
and easily installable on Debian testing.
And Trinity's Debian packages create conflicts with
debian-multimedia/stable, another unofficial repository they can't deal
Since I removed all of KDE3 and KDE4 programs, I removed the origins of
the problems that are discussed here ;-)
Glad you got things working. I had Amarok TDE running
for more than an hour yesterday.
I'm really happy to run it again.
But... I did some simple tests:
* /usr/bin/kedit (from KDE3 debian/lenny) is using ~/.trinity
* /usr/games/amor (from KDE4 debian/squeeze) stores its files in the
same folder. And when I start amor-trinity, it says there is a problem
with nekokurorc... And I have to kill it, edit
~/.trinity/share/config/amorrc and restart it.
If I could have amarok and amarok-trinity at the same time, amarok would
use ~/.trinity.
And if I wanted to try amarok 2.3.1 (from KDE4), it will use the same
folder, like other KDE4 programs and it will probably break the
configuration files of amarok-trinity.
Maybe KDEHOME can be changed into TDEHOME for trinity's programs, so
that /usr/bin/<KDE3-OR-KDE4-PROGRAM> uses its own folder in ~/kde or
~/kde4. Has it already been discussed?
Laurent Dard