>Then something must have changed with your tqtinterface install,
>because I have always handled it manually there:
> # Create and install ld.so.conf.d file
> install -d -m755 $pkgdir/etc/ld.so.conf.d/
> echo ${_tdedir}/lib > $pkgdir/etc/ld.so.conf.d/trinity.conf
> echo ${_tdedir}/lib/trinity >>
>ldconfig is then called by the post-install script.
No, I just never got the memo.
>Hah! It was something simple - glad you solve the issue.
No, not simple. I'd like to know what changed and when that started
that requirement. I never needed that additional location before.
>> I notice in your screen grab you do not have a button for Novell
>> Groupwise. 3.5.10 has that button:
>> http://humanreadable.nfshost.com/misc/groupwise-3.5.10.png
>What got deleted? I haven't seen that in any of my new builds???
I traced the disappearance to commit cc29364f, 2010-09-01.
Probably made sense some time ago when Novell owned Suse and Novell
Groupware and SLOX were much one and the same. I don't know whether
Novell Groupwise is valid anymore or whether that option should be
There also is code for Microsoft Exchange but the button is
deliberately hidden. I filed an enhancement request.
I don't use the app. I was just testing.
>Are you sure you don't have some global patch that is getting
>applied somewhere
>in the bowels of you build scripts? Even then, I can't see how
>that would cause
>the linking to fail without it blowing up your build. That is the
>strange part.
The solution turned out to be adding /opt/trinity/lib/trinity to
/etc/ld.so.conf. I always have had /opt/trinity/lib, but never
/opt/trinity/lib/trinity and never needed that either. I don't know
what changed the past weeks or months that requires that now.
I doubt you have had time to work on user session tracking in the pure systemd
case. However, this is an issue I must get fixed or TDE is unusable on Arch
(unless we ask users to manually kill all process that don't close)
Is there anything I can do to help? We have the kdebase-workspace patch from
4.11, have you made an attempt to apply it? If not, I suppose I could
hand-edit/apply as much as I can, and then provide you with that if you think it
will help.
Let me know if that would help or if there is something else I can do to help
move this along. Thanks.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
>> I cannot and I found the following reasons:
>> ldd /opt/trinity/bin/groupwarewizard
>> libegroupwarewizard.so => not found
>> libsloxwizard.so => not found
>> libkolabwizard.so => not found
>> libexchangewizard.so => not found
>> ldd /opt/trinity/bin/egroupwarewizard
>> libegroupwarewizard.so => not found
>> ldd /opt/trinity/bin/exchangewizard
>> libexchangewizard.so => not found
>> ldd /opt/trinity/bin/kolabwizard
>> libkolabwizard.so => not found
>> ldd /opt/trinity/bin/scalixwizard
>> libscalixwizard.so => not found
>> ldd /opt/trinity/bin/groupwisewizard
>> libgroupwisewizard.so => not found
>> My build script includes:
>> The *.so files exist, but none of the binaries are linked
>> Darrell
>Starts fine:
> http://www.3111skyline.com/dl/dt/trinity/ss/tde-groupware-
Notice anything unusual about the screen grab? The title bar? I'll
fix the branding when I push the changes for the menu.
I notice in your screen grab you do not have a button for Novell
Groupwise. 3.5.10 has that button:
Does the groupware software have any other Trinity dependencies? I
get the same results with 3.5.13 and 3.5.12. Won't start and didn't
link correctly.
Starts fine on 3.5.10.
I am missing something obvious that all of those package sets have
the same problem?
>Got a response from the Author:
>1.3.6 was the last version for KDE3. You can grab the tarball
>It's tagged in the git repo as v1.3.6, which is probably an upload
>of the tarball.
>We should consider updating the TDE code to 1.3.6.
File an enhancement request. Francois and Slavek have gotten good
at pulling in KDE3 apps into Trinity.
I have built tellico for the first time and it looks like a good collection
manager (any collection, music, wine, whatever..) that we will want to keep. The
problem is the source is quite old ( - 2008). Tellico continues as an
active ongoing project led by Robby Stephenson.
I've contacted him to determine what the latest version is that will build on
kde3/qt3. Many new features have been added to tellico and I would like to see
TDE take advantage of the updates.
The current tellico code is hosted in a git repository:
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/tellico
I'll report back with the response. If we have the latest, then it may be
worth while to take a look at what it would take to patch/port the current code
to again build on TDE and perhaps create a new branch on the project git repo.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
>Sounds good to me, too.
Pushed to git in commits f2321faa for tdelibs and ed95608f for
The groupware title bar branding was fixed in ed95608f too.
After fiddling and tweaking here is my proposal:
Personal Information Management submenu
Move to Internet menu:
Mail Alert (Korn)
Mail Client (KMail)
Move to Office menu:
Address Manager (KAddressBook)
Encryption tool (KGpg)
Note Taker (KJots)
Personal Alarm Scheduler (KAlarm)
Personal Information Manager (Kontact)
Personal Organizer (KOrganizer)
Personal Time Tracker (KArm)
Signature Editor (KSig)
TDE Groupware Wizard
TNEF File Viewer (KTnef)
Delete Personal Information Management submenu from the menu
With this arrangement, including the KDE(4) submenu, and an almost
full Trinity install, on my 1280x800 laptop screen I can open the
Trinity Internet and Office menus without unfolding into a second
Hopefully there are very few users who install every single Trinity
app. Therefore menu size and clutter should not be a problem for
most users.
Is this acceptable?