On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 18:19, David C. Rankin
<drankinatty(a)suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
Archers, All,
Currently, Arch installs trinity to /opt/trinity. Personally, I would like to
move the default install to /opt/tde. Two reasons: (1) most important -- less
typing; (2) the tradition of the install being in /opt/kde, why not standardize
around /opt/tde?
For the rest of the community -- Where are you putting tde? It would just make
sense to set a community-wide standard. Yes, I know that the location is
irrelevant and can be obtained by the standard environment files, but we
recently had a rebuild of 3.5.12 that moved from /opt/kde to /opt/kde3. That's
fine, but depending upon the repo you hit to pull files from, your system would
break due to install location differences in the various packages.
I don't have any hard feelings either way for any single location, but if it
is all the same, then if possible, I would like to see a standard that all
packagers could reference. Of course you don't have to use it, but if there is a
standard install, the balance of builds will migrate to it over time.
What says the team?
/opt/tde_ver (ver being a 2 or 3-digit version: eg. 13 or 313)
Personally for me, /opt/tde works :)
(/opt/trinity is probably my fault on arch anyway :)
I have standardized around /opt/tde; all my trinity packaging macros use it.
/me points to home:bravoall1552:tde3.5.13/tde-filesystem
But my spec files are not meant to be backwards compatible with any
system < 11.4 on openSUSE; meaning that I don't support upgrading from
/opt/kde3. :|
later daze. :: Robert Xu ::
rxu.lincomlinux.org :: protocol.by/rxu