I have created a set of pre-release source tarballs for Trinity 3.5.12.
They are currently publishing to the mirror, and should be available
within 48 hours from this link:
If no issues are found in the next four days, there is a very good chance
these files will become the final release.
Please keep this information on this list for now; I am releasing the
files early for testing purposes only, not for general consumption.
Being that 3.5.12 is on the verge of being released, I've decided to
include this release in BLFS to replace the aging 3.5.10.
Given that KDE 4 has rapidly changed quickly, we can't keep up with
the pace, and that stupid cmake.
I've also decided to build RPMs of the KDE 3.5.12 release. They'll be
built for Mandriva, Fedora, and SuSE :)
What configure options would you recommend for stuff like this?
I saw a thread on trinity-devel, but given the fact that I just
subscribed (when I should have done so earlier -.-"), I don't have the
later, Robert Xu