tde-devels March 2012
  • 22 participants
  • 190 discussions

Need to remove this startup Tip: "The K in TDE does not stand for anything."
by David C. Rankin
13 years

avahi-tqt - any progress?
by David C. Rankin
13 years

Konqueror - Filemanager Cleanup View->Background Image
by David C. Rankin
13 years

GNU Image Finding Tool
by Darrell Anderson
13 years

CMake - how to add library to build?
by David C. Rankin
13 years

kmenu item location in tdegraphics need new homes (More Applications: x, y, z)
by David C. Rankin
13 years

kcontrol Security & Privacy/Password & User Account -- can't set photo for user
by David C. Rankin
13 years

Proper way to turn 'tsak' off (eating up to 99% CPU)
by David C. Rankin
13 years

Creating flow diagrams from sources?
by Darrell Anderson
13 years

tdegraphics libkscan ConfigureChecks.cmake patch
by David C. Rankin
13 years
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