>> >I would like to inspect source tree text strings for instances
>> >KDE/kde rebranding issues and update to TDE/tde. Mostly in
>> >tooltips
>> >and What's This help strings. My challenge is being able to
>> >efficiently grep only those strings, which often in the sources
>> >are multiple lines.
>> >
>> >I would appreciate shell scripting advice to find such text
>> >strings.
>> Nobody knows?
>It would help to search whole words - grep option '-w'?
I don't understand how that helps. For example, I want to find all
TQWhatsThis strings, which often are multiple lines, and ensure I
am searching the entire string, which includes all the multiple
lines. About the only thing I know is the search will key on
something like TQWhatsThis and the entire glob of text to search
will end with an apostrophe (;). All of that constitutes the entire
string that must be searched for 'KDE/kde'.
I am having to go one-by-one through my build scripts for each tde package and
remove old patches, etc. I don't know which ones are still needed. Eg (for tdebase):
msg "Patching - tdebase patch set...."
for patch in ${srcdir}/patches/*.patch; do
_p=`basename $patch`
msg "Applying patch $_p..."
patch -Np0 -i $patch
Do you still have your build scripts online? I see you closed
humanreadable.nfshost, so I'm looking for a current set of "go bys" to prevent
repeated build failures figuring out which current patches I need :) Help a
brother out?
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
>That fixed the FTBFS - Why the FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64?? There is no
>way file size exceeds (2<<31)-1 bits??
I don't know. I only remember seeing the same build failure as you
described. What I shared is the result of my repairs.
>but for some reason cmake doesn't find it. I'm too dense to find
>out where/why it isn't being use. Where do I look?
I vaguely recall encountering the same failure about tree.h. After
I found the patches I previously attached I then was able to
compile wv2.
Head to this URL:
Download the file in the first link, which is a tar.gz.
Open the tar.gz and notice the directory of patches. Use those
patches to build wv2.
That should resolve wv2 concerns.
>Debian fixed a bug with wv2 I need to patch/fix for tde. The bug
>How in the heck do you find out what debian did?
I have never figured out how to find patches mentioned in Debian
bug reports. I'm sure there is a method to their madness.
Attached are two patches I use to build wv2. The patches only allow
me to build wv2. I have no way of knowing whether wv2 is actually
providing kword the necessary support because wv2 has been
unsupported for a long time. Probably should be Yet Another Bug
>> All,
>> Debian fixed a bug with wv2 I need to patch/fix for tde. The
>bug was:
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=707417
>> How in the heck do you find out what debian did?
>Some problem with libxml was solved in KOffice - commit b6474af7.
Yes, but David asked how to find patches mentioned in Debian bug
reports. In the referenced bug report there are no links to an
actual patch. Only a textual reference the problem is resolved.
>I would like to inspect source tree text strings for instances of
>KDE/kde rebranding issues and update to TDE/tde. Mostly in
>and What's This help strings. My challenge is being able to
>efficiently grep only those strings, which often in the sources
>are multiple lines.
>I would appreciate shell scripting advice to find such text
Nobody knows?
All -> Calvin,
While I plan on building R14 without hal, taking a look at the package on AUR,
hal still depends on eject. Eject now conflicts with util-linux, eject which
means we need to remove eject as a dependency. Do you plan on updating, or
should I just cannibalize it?
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.