tde-devels February 2014
  • 20 participants
  • 243 discussions

Re: [trinity-devel] Tellico source old - new source requires kde4/qt4 - author contacted
by Darrell Anderson
11 years

Tellico source old - new source requires kde4/qt4 - author contacted
by David C. Rankin
11 years

Re: [trinity-devel] tdepim - no kmail icon in 'Internet' menu + config dialog way too small (clipping example captured!)
by Darrell Anderson
11 years

Re: [trinity-devel] tdepim - no kmail icon in 'Internet' menu + config dialog way too small (clipping example captured!)
by Darrell Anderson
11 years

Is anybody able to start the groupwise wizard in R14?
by Darrell Anderson
11 years

Re: [trinity-devel] tdepim - no kmail icon in 'Internet' menu + config dialog way too small (clipping example captured!)
by Darrell Anderson
11 years

Request for screen shots
by Michele Calgaro
11 years

Re: [trinity-devel] Alternative release version numbering scheme proposal
by Darrell Anderson
11 years

tdepim - no kmail icon in 'Internet' menu + config dialog way too small (clipping example captured!)
by David C. Rankin
11 years

Re: [trinity-devel] tde-Tork builds and works -- amazingly
by Darrell Anderson
11 years
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