In working tdebase patches, I note that one of the
patch files to
I don't know what you mean by traditional patch files.
If you are still applying patches from years ago, then likely you
will make a mess. :)
The only patches I apply these days are patches in the queue from
the bugzilla or patches I create for testing. There are no more
traditional patch files. Those days are long gone.
Check the git history for patches:
You can narrow your search to specific cpp files.
If you find no evidence a patch was applied --- and that includes
remembering to check against all of the renaming and rebranding,
then check the bugzilla. There remain many open bug reports with
patches that have not been merged into git.
When you check the bugzilla remember to use the ALL keyword to
search closed and resolved reports too.
If you come up empty, then file a new report and attach the patch,
updated for renaming.