TDE devs,
While working in openSUSE's KDE3 I ran across an obscure kate session
rename bug that I'd like to have somebody check on TDE to see if it exists
here (I suspect it does). To check if the bug exits, open kate and open a
couple of files. Now save the session:
Sessions -> Save
give it a name and then close kate. (not sure if you need to close it, but
let's check the entire process)
Launch kate again and choose to open the session you just saved. Now
attempt to rename it with:
Sessions -> Manage... (highlight current name) -> Rename
The new name will appear in the session list, but if you note in the
titlebar, the current session is not renamed and when you close the session,
the new name is lost from the session-list.
As a work-around you can use Session -> Save As, but it is curious the
rename just fails.
If you confirm it on TDE, let me know and I'll write it up.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.