Dne st 5. září 2012 Serghei Amelian napsal(a):
On Wednesday 05 September 2012 19:55:38 Slávek Banko
Dne st 5. září 2012 Serghei Amelian napsal(a):
Actually is bad idea to bind keys directly in
program, use kmixrc
[Global Shortcuts]
Decrease volume=XF86AudioLowerVolume
Increase volume=XF86AudioRaiseVolume
Toggle mute=XF86AudioMute
> Slavek
Kmixrc must set each user manually == impractical
Not exactly. You can install kmixrc to ${CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} and that's
Well, that's also a possibility. However, the keys in this case is not
listed in the settings as "default", but "custom". Personally, I find
handy preset keys in the program as the default. The user in this case
has the option in settings to set your own, turn off, but also to return
to the default settings.
We'll see what the other views.