tde-users March 2011
  • 20 participants
  • 22 discussions

Keys change function (Trinity+Squeeze)
by Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
13 years, 5 months

Text on desktops.
by Lisi
13 years, 5 months

White text wanted on dark blue desktop
by Lisi
13 years, 5 months

Installation Instructions
by Pierre Fortier
13 years, 6 months

Mounting of DVD, USB
by HHa
13 years, 6 months

Partial Installation Recommendation
by Ed Hurst
13 years, 6 months

Monitor Gamma
by Volker Wysk
13 years, 6 months

Fonts for Gnome-based programs
by HHa
13 years, 6 months

Konversation: Settings not being applied
by Kristopher Gamrat
13 years, 6 months

Alt and Meta
by Volker Wysk
13 years, 6 months
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