tde-users September 2012
  • 36 participants
  • 29 discussions

libogg0 conflicts with libogg0:i386 under ubuntu precise
by Stefan Endrullis
10 years, 9 months

Running kpdf without trinity (and no admin privileges)
by Nicolas Bercher
12 years, 2 months

Trinity 3.5.11 to 3.5.13
by Marvin L Jones
12 years, 2 months

Choice of language
by Jean Milot
12 years, 4 months

3.5.13: konqueror cannot save site certificates
by Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
12 years, 4 months

A wish for KMail... (oups)
by Patrick Serru
12 years, 5 months

Installing Trinity on Squeeze: problem with recommends
by Lisi
12 years, 5 months

Kmail in TrinityDE 3.5.12, restoring from KDE 3.5.10
by Lisi Reisz
12 years, 5 months

Trinity and openSUSE
by Jan Litwiński
12 years, 5 months

A general question about Trinity
by Janek S.
12 years, 5 months
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