tde-users December 2015
  • 40 participants
  • 46 discussions

update-rc.d tdm-trinity disable doesn't work on raspbian jessie
by Philip Ashmore
9 years, 3 months

Merry Christmas !
by Baron
9 years, 3 months

Re: [trinity-users] Merry Christmas !
by Kate Draven
9 years, 3 months

Specifying SMTP server by folder in KMail 1.9.10
by Lisi Reisz
9 years, 3 months

Audio CD encoding to MP3
by Curt Howland
9 years, 3 months

Problem with sound from Tdemid
by alistair izzard
9 years, 3 months

Failed to add a plugin to the panel
by deloptes
9 years, 3 months

cannot launch shell script
by Giuliano Colla
9 years, 3 months

openSuSE and trinity-tdemultimedia >= 14.02
by Thierry de Coulon
9 years, 3 months

KSysV missfire
by Gene Heskett
9 years, 3 months
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