if i were to try to go from ubuntu-14.04 to 16.04 and i were simply to change the repositories from trusty to xenial and the tde repository to the preliminary stable builds, did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, is it likely to break things? that's how i upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04, and it worked well, but i kind of don't want to screw it all up with surprises. seems the best way to get stuff i need to run working.
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i'm trying like crazy to flash debian on this little gemini gadget -- i'll never complain about installing to an x86 machine with a hard drive ever again -- and the flashing tool won't run on my machine for lack of libpng16.so.16. nor can i find a debian package that contains it. i've been told it can be found in some qt4 package. i do not want to install all of qt4. anybody know where it might reside?
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From the OpenSuSE KDE3 folks.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [opensuse-kde3] plymouthd - takes continual 6% CPU with kdm
Date: 2018-05-07, 03:32:08
From: "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty(a)suddenlinkmail.com>
To: "suse-kde3" <opensuse-kde3(a)opensuse.org>
There is an issue, that this is more to document than anything else. I've
done 2 Leap 42.3 installs. On this last one, after a minimal X install via the
Net-Install CD, I kept an eye on plymouth. In my 1st install, I checked with
top in konsole, more-or-less on a whim, and found plymouthd churning away at
On this second Leap 42.3 install (again 1st to minimum X via yast
net-install, because you cannot configure outside repos during install, only
community OSS, OSS-Debug, etc...) -- anyway, I decided to keep a closer watch
on plymouth and find out when it started behaving badly.
On the initial setup and with the xdm "Default" display manager (that clunky
old thing with the system console window running in bottom-left corner),
plymouthd behaved, no problems. I spent the better part of a day, moving
documents over, .kde, etc.. and installing kde3 and the rest of the normal
things I install. All the while, plymouthd was fine.
However, after setting kdm3 in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager and kde as the
default WM, after rebooting and launching kde via kdm, plymouthd was again
churning away at 6% continually.
So there is a definite issue with plymouth and kdm. I don't know exactly
why. This 2nd install was to an older laptop, so I didn't have 6% to spare and
just rpm -e all plymouth.... Problem gone.
If anyone else still has plymouth installed and can check with top to
confirm plymouth is hogging CPU, that would be worth investigating. I can
confirm this on 2 boxes.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-kde3+unsubscribe(a)opensuse.org
To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-kde3+owner(a)opensuse.org
Hello everybody!
Strange problem here with Konqueror.
In the right pane, I used to be able to skip to the wanted file by
typing a letter.
A few weeks ago, it stopped working. It only worked in the left pane,
where the folders are.
Then, a few days ago it was fixed by an update.
But yesterday's update took it away again.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you very much for this opportunity to ask!
the gemini device (keyboard, 4G, supporting android/linux dual boot, mediatek x27 SoC) is shipping. there's a debian rom for it, but it is very early days and the unaccelerated video is a real problem. it is still my hope to give tde a spin on it, and apparently if 3D isn't used it's quick enough to be nearly usable. am wondering the extent to which tdm and tde needs 3D support. if it's none at all or very little, i might try to install it from the debiam arm repos when mine arrives monday (after rooting it and installing the stretch rom).
anybody here know?
On 05/06/2018 11:13 AM, trinity-users-help(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net wrote:
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for some reason, after having worked as i wanted it to work for a very long time, clicking on a link in email no longer brings up opera or firefox but instead konqueror. konqueror is not my very favorite (as a browser). I cannot figure out why it is suddenly doing this. i've moved it to bottom in all the html file associations, but there it is. is there some place else i should make a change? firefox reports, as it should, that it is my default browser.
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quoth Felix Miata:
|xorg is a meta-package. You should be able to remove it without affecting TDE or
|Xorg operation.
So I can safely go ahead and let all the stuff get deleted and it won't affect the operation of TDE? (The list I posted earlier?)
What puzzles me is why none of this stuff appears in autoremove or remove lists otherwise.
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my little project thinkpad x200 now sports debian stretch and X; what it doesn't have is TDE. my line in /etc/apt/sources.list is:
/debian stretch deps-r14 main-r14
(and of course the deb-src line as well.)
i've imported the gpg key apparently uneventfully. running apt-get update seems to do as it should, though it throws an "ign" for each of the trinity indices (i didn't follow it closely the first time i ran it, so this isn't necessarily unexpected).
but sudo apt-get install tde-trinity renders an unable to find package error. aptitude likewise says it can't find tde-trinity.
i'm clearly erring somewhere, but do not know where. how do i get the preliminary stable build onto the machine?
thanks in advance.
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