Is there a way to not have borders around windows? Or at least the side
vertical borders?
I am using TDE Classic Style.
When I am reading an online article in a web browser, often I "fling"
the mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen to keep the pointer out
of the way of reading text. I use the mouse scroll wheel to move down
the page.
With TDE I can't do that because when the pointer hovers over that left
edge window border the effect is to kill scrolling. I have to
continually bump the mouse pointer to the right to get off the border.
I do not experience this in other desktop environments. Memory muscle
and habits are difficult to change. So I am thinking this is a property
of twin.
Yes, the songs are transmitted to your headphones, but that's over a paired Bluetooth connection between the headphone and the phone. And there's no cost to that. You only pay for the data transmitted to your smart device over the phone company's network by way of using the app.
I see this error popup on various installations. The instant one is a 32bit
Bookworm freshly upgraded from Bullseye with 14.0.12. Bullseye does it too. The
trigger is left clicking on the menu starter. On those where it ever occurs, it
only happens once. Trying again after dismissing the popup always works. Anyone
familiar with it, what to do to eliminate it?
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata
The distribution openSUSE 15.4 will be supported until the end of
November. I wonder how long the TDE packages for openSUSE 15.4 (the
current ones are R14.1.0) will be available online and can be downloaded
past the official end of support of the distribution?
Gianluca Interlandi, PhD gianluca(a)
+1 (206) 685 4435
Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington, Seattle WA U.S.A.
Hi all,
some time ago I was thinking about whether we want to become an active
member of social networks with our project. Things like Facebook and
Twitter have always been "no go" zones for me. However, I've been
thinking about the Mastodon platform for a long time.
Mastodon is a decentralized platform for publishing short messages and
pictures. It is based on open source architecture and therefore this
platform is close to our ideas. You can see profiles of other projects
like,, and others.
I assume that it would help to "make us visible" and information could be
published there, for example about the release of new versions, or some
useful information regarding development, screenshots, solving issues and
community info.
Does it seem like a good idea for us to have an official communication
channel for our project on Mastodon? What is your opinion on this?
This has been going on too long to remember, probably more than a year now, but at
least since 14.0.13. I haven't been able to create a reliable reproduction
scenario. Typically, I start a session that has remembered Konsole (at 0,0) with a
plain shell tab and an MC tab. With quite some frequency, I wish to copy and paste
the first command of the session, and its output, that I have entered in the shell
tab, into some text file in MC. The problem is that swiping the mouse from bottom
to top to select that output commonly blanks the first Konsole line, which is
usually something that produces multiple lines of text output, such as inxi, so
that when pasted, the first line of the paste is also blank. The instant case
causing me to write this is in Mageia 8/14.1.0, but it IIRC it happens in Debian,
Fedora, openSUSE & *buntu also.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata
I have a simple mind, so I have an equally simple requirement for Kate... when
I click on a text file in konqueror, I want kate to open with only one pane:
the edit pane showing the contents of the file on which I clicked.
I am sure it used to work exactly this way, but somehow it seems that my
configuration now is wrong: what happens now when kate opens is that there is
an extra pane on the left hand side, containing the names of several
recently-edited files. I suspect, given the amount of time that kate is now
taking to open, that kate is actually reading those files into memory. I don't
want any of that to happen: I want just a clean view of the contents of the
file I want to edit.
I'm sure it's a simple thing to fix, but I've wasted a ridiculous amount of
time trying to figure out, without success, how to change the configuration so
that kate doesn't occupy screen space with a list of recently-edited files.
So if someone can give me the magic configuration item(s) to change, I would
very much appreciate it.
Upgraded to 14.1.1 [Development] and now the system is pretty CRAP.
Can only have one 'Desktop', can't move any windows around the screen
(but can use/interact with them in any other way). 'konsole' app looks
weird (borderless).
Have moved old .trinity out of the way but no difference.
Anybody seen the likes before?
Michael Howard.
Dear TDE list
I have used tde for some time now, but mainly on desktops. I
standardise on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version but unfortunately the desktop
version comes bundled with a desktop that takes ugly to new levels and
does not offer multiple desktops, which are very useful as I have an
additional screen plugged into the HDMI port. So I start by installing
the server version, then add the trinity repositories and install as
directed. That's always worked on my desktops.
The platform is a Dell 7737 laptop with 16GB memory - quite old but
reliable, nice display, etc and I have replaced the drive with a 1TB SSD
so it is a completely new box. There are 2 display controllers, VGA
compatible Intel Haswell-ULT and a 3D controller nVidia GeForce GT 750M.
Now the issues:
1) I have no wifi or ethernet tools. The machine is currently working
with the installation settings in /etc/netplan via the wired networking.
Thus, if I want to use it elsewhere I cannot select wireless network
without editing the installation file(s). Network settings just tells
me that the platform is not supported and offers quite an old list of
options. What is missing from my installation?
2) There is no suspend or other power options. As I use it as an
effective desktop that is permanently plugged in, this may not matter
but again, what can be missing?
3) If I go to the power settings and try to change anything, the display
on the laptop goes bananas with for example the nice plain blue xterm
header turned into a rainbow, blotchy characters etc. Moving the
offending object to the external screen . I've seen this before and the
answer with an nVidia graphics card was to install the nVidia-418
drivers from the Ubuntu repository and block nouveau. Initially, with
nouveau, this happened which is why I installed the nVidia bundle but it
happens with that as well. Could this be a confusion between the two
display controllers because the extension screen is not affected, or the
missing power options?
John Logsdon
Quantex Research Ltd
Haldo! Long time user, first time poster!
It's weird looking back at all the different windows decorations and styles for KDE 3, knowing full well how much they not only had to be designed, but also coded. It's also weird knowing that some Trinity users haven't been exposed to some of these, however impractical or redundant they may be. xD
Me personally, I've been wanting to get the Fahrenheit windeco working in TDE (and not through lack of trying, mind you -- I really tried to figuring out porting, thank you to the wiki contributors, though I've not had much success. Possibly out of general inexperience with porting, makefiles, and development in general, but I digress....)
To be honest, I want to get the community's (or at least the devel list's) opinion on how feasible they think it is to get all the other Qt3 and KWin styles ported over to Trinity. I imagine the best starting point for this would be within openSUSE for a couple reasons:
- their interoperability with multiple distros and their respective package formats
- the fact that (as of this message) they still maintain a KDE3 repo, even in 2023 with Plasma 6 on its way
- some windecos don't have much documentation outside of guesswork and the obvious "made over a decade ago for a much different version" disclaimer (...hello again, Fahrenheit!)
Of course, my programming experience only extends beyond my use of Scratch as an elementary school young-un in the late-aughts, so I honestly don't know -- wdyt?
- hunter graham