Is there a way to not have borders around windows? Or at least the side
vertical borders?
I am using TDE Classic Style.
When I am reading an online article in a web browser, often I "fling"
the mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen to keep the pointer out
of the way of reading text. I use the mouse scroll wheel to move down
the page.
With TDE I can't do that because when the pointer hovers over that left
edge window border the effect is to kill scrolling. I have to
continually bump the mouse pointer to the right to get off the border.
I do not experience this in other desktop environments. Memory muscle
and habits are difficult to change. So I am thinking this is a property
of twin.
Yes, the songs are transmitted to your headphones, but that's over a paired Bluetooth connection between the headphone and the phone. And there's no cost to that. You only pay for the data transmitted to your smart device over the phone company's network by way of using the app.
Hi all!
Does anybody know which part of TDE controls XF86RaiseVolume / XF86LowerVolume? I need to remap these 2 keys to XF86LaunchA / XF86LaunchB but TDE always answers with the OSD volume bar, even when I remap the beys with xmodmap ...
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Where in KControl or elsewhere does one go to make pointer and I-bar large enough
to notice? In peripherals is only (4) mouse cursor themes, where exist no controls
for any sizes. The pointer in TDM is about 4X as large as in TDE sessions, and
appropriate for my needs. Is there a separate package to provide pointer controls
that isn't required in a base installation?
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata
On Tuesday 23 April 2024 10:30:47 you wrote:
> > On one occasion, when I tried to kill dozens of zombie entries marked
> > only w,
> What marked these 'w' ? My `ps' man page says there is no such status.
> There was 'W' in the 2.6 kernel series, but I assume your system isn't that
> archaic. (Or is it?)
Hi Jim!
My machine is fairly new, only a couple years old, and I am running Devuan
Daedalus, upgraded within the last month.
Here are some snips from top. I am only showing lines that relate to zombies
or those mysterious processes with the label w. (For security reasons, I
prefer not to show everything all at once about my system; such as, e.g., my
user name.)
Please see attachments.
As you can see, I only have one zombie at present -- didn't try to track down
what processes are involved -- but at times there have been as many as
dozens. They seem to come in dozens or half-dozens, by the way, for reasons
unknown to me: above a certain number, they always seem to come in multiples
of 6 or 12, like 24, 36, 42. When it gets to be a couple dozen zombies, this
irks me, and that's when I want to call in the zombie-killing experts.
No, I don't think it's "good" for so many zombies to persist after their
parents have quit running, but I also don't notice that my system runs any
worse. When I thought that I had identified one of my zombies as one of those
mysterious w processes, and tried to kill that, that's when I shut down my
session and lost my work; which, obviously, was worse that putting up with
It seems to me that the mysterious w is not any one process, but rather a kind
of process that has become a zombie. Otherwise, there could not be, as
sometimes happens, half a dozen processes named w.
As for the age of my machine or system: the nature of Devuan in spirit is more
deliberately set against newfangled shiny toys, and tends to rely on the more
reliable stone tools used the hardcore caveman geeks.
P.S. Apologies if I sent some duplicate emails. For some reason, my response
to Jim, with attachments, did not go through. Please consider this one to be
the authorized version ... if it goes through.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: TDE Crash Report dialog
Date: 2024-04-29, 01:17:21
From: "J Leslie Turriff via tde-devels" <devels(a)>
To: devels(a)
CC: J Leslie Turriff <jlturriff(a)>
Occasionally a TDE component crashes and produces a dialog for reporting the
crash. If I fill in my email address and a description, then send it off,
where does it go? Is it integrated with the TDE bug reporting system?
Platform: Linux
Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.4 (x86_64)
Desktop Environment: Trinity
Qt: 3.5.0
TDE: R14.1.1
tde-config: 1.0
tde-devels mailing list -- devels(a)
To unsubscribe send an email to devels-leave(a)
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On 2024-03-27 19:04:09 Felix Miata via tde-users wrote:
> Where in KControl or elsewhere does one go to make pointer and I-bar large
> enough to notice? In peripherals is only (4) mouse cursor themes, where
> exist no controls for any sizes. The pointer in TDM is about 4X as large as
> in TDE sessions, and appropriate for my needs. Is there a separate package
> to provide pointer controls that isn't required in a base installation?
I don't think there is a mechanism in KDE3 or Trinity to dynamically size the
cursors, but while I was poking around looking for additional ones, I
found "Material Cursors" on this web page
<> (among some other intriguing
"Material Cursors, a longstanding favourite among Linux users, offers a
visually captivating cursor theme that has garnered a dedicated following.
With three colour variants, namely Material (Blue Grey), Dark, and Light, and
multiple size options ranging from 24 to 64 pixels, this cursor theme caters
to a wide range of preferences and desktop environments."
(In fact, several of the other cursor packages in this article have multiple
sizes; and the Gnome-Looks website has lots of others as well.)
Platform: Linux
Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.4 (x86_64)
Desktop Environment: Trinity
Qt: 3.5.0
TDE: R14.1.1
tde-config: 1.0
tde-users mailing list -- users(a)
To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave(a)
Web mail archive available at…
Is there any way to get it out of my menus? Alternatively, is there a way to move
it where it won't likely get hit by accident, which is the frequent problem here?
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata