Is there a way to not have borders around windows? Or at least the side
vertical borders?
I am using TDE Classic Style.
When I am reading an online article in a web browser, often I "fling"
the mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen to keep the pointer out
of the way of reading text. I use the mouse scroll wheel to move down
the page.
With TDE I can't do that because when the pointer hovers over that left
edge window border the effect is to kill scrolling. I have to
continually bump the mouse pointer to the right to get off the border.
I do not experience this in other desktop environments. Memory muscle
and habits are difficult to change. So I am thinking this is a property
of twin.
Yes, the songs are transmitted to your headphones, but that's over a paired Bluetooth connection between the headphone and the phone. And there's no cost to that. You only pay for the data transmitted to your smart device over the phone company's network by way of using the app.
Hi all!
I just found that KPDF is (again) asking for a password on non-password-protected PDFs and fails to open the PDF if no password is given. The PDF preview in konqueror is fine. I have attached a PDF that triggers the behaviour on my system (KPDF 14.2.0~pre65-0debian13.0.0+3~a).
Could somebody please verify?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
I'm looking for confirmation about whether TDM passes login information
to the operating system.
For me the who, w, and last commands do not show any tty logins when
using TDM. The who, w, and last commands function as expected with SDDM,
showing tty logins. (pts logins are irrelevant.)
Also, are there any specific tdmrc options that might cause this?
Now, another problem :
no reaction with intenet link in Kmail when I click on it.,
the link doesn't open automatically, I have to make a copy/paste,
open a navigator and paste it in the URL bar.
PS : the konqueror search bar volatilized not solved.
Thanks, cheers.
a small field, next on the left of the address bar who permits to enter
a key word, has disappeared.
On the other hand, it is present on my others computers,
with trinity-konqueror also last version.
TDE does not have a proper sensitivity option, only acceleration. I was going to set the accel threshold to 0 pixels and then set the max accel, which should effectively do the same thing as changing sensitivity. But TDE does not allow it to go below 100%. This needs to be below 100% because I have a high CPI mouse (1600hz). I set it to 43%.
As a workaround, I have been using `xinput set-prop` to handle my mouse sensitivity. I've written in a previous post to this mailing list, but to reiterate, this is NOT a perfect solution because setting the pointer speed within XOrg directly interferes with many video games (prettymuch any first-person shooter game) and creative applications (Blender, Bryce 3D). see video: Notice how when i set my desktop pointer speed to 43% from the terminal, the game snaps my cursor to the edge of the screen when it is trying to snap it to the center.
Is there a config file I can edit directly to get around this?
Thanks in advance,
Greets, everybody . . .
Insomnia led me to this:
In case you don't want to watch it (though Christopher Barnatt is highly enjoyable), it is the quick and easy construction of an ARM desktop PC, which seems pretty cool and which is both inexpensive and uses next to no electricity.
It automagically installs Debian with KDE.
My desktop machine is approaching 10 years old. Some drives will need replacement soon. Seeing this video, I wondered if a different approach might be in order.
But I'm unclear as to the cross compatibility of the architectures. There are a few concerns I have, the two main ones being the Proton applications and TDE. (I've been spoiled in that almost everything -- but not Proton stuff -- has worked perfectly on the Raspberry Pi.)
So, there being substantial knowledge here, I have a question: Why is it a bad idea to build an ARM-based desktop machine?