Is there a way to not have borders around windows? Or at least the side
vertical borders?
I am using TDE Classic Style.
When I am reading an online article in a web browser, often I "fling"
the mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen to keep the pointer out
of the way of reading text. I use the mouse scroll wheel to move down
the page.
With TDE I can't do that because when the pointer hovers over that left
edge window border the effect is to kill scrolling. I have to
continually bump the mouse pointer to the right to get off the border.
I do not experience this in other desktop environments. Memory muscle
and habits are difficult to change. So I am thinking this is a property
of twin.
Yes, the songs are transmitted to your headphones, but that's over a paired Bluetooth connection between the headphone and the phone. And there's no cost to that. You only pay for the data transmitted to your smart device over the phone company's network by way of using the app.
Hi all!
I just found that KPDF is (again) asking for a password on non-password-protected PDFs and fails to open the PDF if no password is given. The PDF preview in konqueror is fine. I have attached a PDF that triggers the behaviour on my system (KPDF 14.2.0~pre65-0debian13.0.0+3~a).
Could somebody please verify?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Hi all!
I just uploaded my last devuan testing + TDE 14.2 remaster - this time with a dark theme (including kate) - and it finally got a name (darkness). I would be interested if you run into issues with it. Thread on devuan:
SHA256: 97c6c6fbf3d49bfc9b9231f586a1143da8761cfe9657dcb72676793c3b693856
Background is done by myself, so if anybody wants to include it in TDE (or highres versions of my gallery) just drop me a note.
Enjoy :)
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
As an experiment I forked the old KGtk software, stripped out kdialogd and
replaced it with calls to libportal. This makes it desktop agnostic and
allows GTK2 apps to use portals. It also contains fixes that can be
backported to Trinity's KGtk-qt3. It's still far from stable however so I
wouldn't recommend installing it outside of testing purposes.
Attached screenshot shows portal-wrapper opening files in GIMP with the new
xdg-desktop-portal-tde prototype.
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Have ordered Samsung PCIe SSD and the appropriate card for the X1 slot on my motherboard. The idea is to run everything that isn't /home from there. Writes would therefore be relatively few. It's 1tb, so there are wide open spaces for wear leveling. Should greatly reduce drive-caused slowness.
All that isn't /home is on a 75gb partition on sda, and I thought I'd just dd it over. But then it occurred to me: wouldn't that create the problem of two drives with the same UUID?
The second issue is keeping the contents of the backup boot partition, a partition on sda, in sync with the SSD. I looked at Raid 1, but I believe that requires starting with two or more blank disks, not something to be tacked on later, so that's out. Is there a fairly uncomplicated way of keeping their contents identical? Nice if automatic, but if I need to do it manually every week or two, so be it.
Well, this is new.
Suddenly, with no changes to anything, KMail started throwing the
error "Could not start process for imap."
I have no idea where to begin to sort this out. I've never encountered it
before. A web search offers no help. And I have made no changes to
anything. It was working and then it wasn't. Comes back, I think, when
KMail checks for mail.
I've restarted KMail, to no effect. I'm loath to reboot because I have
things running I'd like to not interrupt.
Anything jump out to anyone who knows more about mail systems than I do?
Some months ago I asked here if there were a way to log my ISP's downtime,
and got a useful answer. Today I've been attempting to refine it a bit,
and there is some progress, but not success.
Here's what I have:
#monitor frontier communications downtime
ping -i 3 -O -D | while read row
awk '{ sub(/[0-9]{10}/, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", substr($0,2,10))) }
1' <<< "$row"| tee ~/frontier_downtime.log
Most of it is simply converting internet time to human time, because I
might have to use it to support a complaint. It runs fine in a terminal, a
nice ping and result every three seconds, but only writes the first line,
the first ping result, to the logfile. (And yes, ir's probably sloppy.)
What do I have wrong?
Bonus question: any way to keep it running with the terminal closed? I
can't even use & to free the terminal; I'd like to start the thing and
have it cook merrrily away without a terminal open or even minimized, and
use top or killall to dispose of it if that becomes necessary.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious.
Note: I've asked the same question per e-mail to the mailing list but the server seems to be down for a while, so if this crops up a second time just ignore.
Hello everyone. First let me say thanks to everyone involved in this project, highly appreciated.
I've compiled almost everything of the latest stable release on Void Linux and installed everything into /usr/local/stow/tde prefix. I use stow for stuff I compile myself (it makes symlinks into /usr/local).
Almost everything of TDE compiled and works fine, but with koffice and some other remaining packages that are not built with cmake, those packages cannot find TQt3.
Now the configure script does find tqt3 once:
checking for tqt... yes
checking TQt_CFLAGS... -DTQT_NO_ASCII_CAST -DTQT_NO_STL -DTQT_NO_COMPAT -DTQT_NO_TRANSLATION -DTQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -D_REENTRANT -include tqt.h -I/usr/include/qt3 -I/usr/local/stow/tde/include/tqt
checking TQt_LIBS... -L/usr/local/stow/tde/lib64 -ltqt -ltqt-mt
Detected TQt3.
and then fails:
checking for TQt... configure: error: TQt (>= TQt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library tqt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled TQt with thread support!
Here is a complete config.log:
I've tried looking at the FreeBSD and gentoo compile scripts and tried different ./configure options, I've tried compiling tqt3 and tqt3-interface again with all options I found in the compile scripts and put them into a seperate prefix and tried configure with the extra-lib-dir options. etc.
Any ideas?
The TDE screenshot application has no facility I can find for including the mouse cursor in the picture, which is how we most always want our screenshots. But for illustrative reasons I'd like to make a couple that include it. The current KDE screenshot has a checkbox to include it, but for some reason it doesn't work here. Anybody know of a way I can do it?