On Fri, 12 Jul 2013 06:55:10 -0400
Alexandre Couture <ac586133(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
Yes, I completely agree that these kind of upload
websites are made in a way to
make sure that they are as confusing as possible, to make sure that the users sees
tons of ads before they figure out how to download the file...
Nevertheless, try to find the 2 ''speed gauge'' on the screen.
Right under the one where it's written ''slow download'' (which means
download for
free), there is a download button. Click on it. Then, close any ad pop-up that may
appear and after the 30 seconds countdown that now appears right above the
gauge'' has finished, you will see that the download button is now named
here to download now''. Then, you are ready to go!
Meh...yeah, that was a little confusing as I thought *those* were the ads lol
Thanks, I'll get on it in a minute downloading to help test.
“Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.” -John v.