On Saturday 31 December 2016 12:56:59 Felmon Davis wrote:
I want to install Trinity on a multiboot uefi system. I think I've
messed up the uefi already so I am wary about doing something that
renders the system unbootable. (will of course do backup but still...)
it's got Windows 7 and NetRunner on it. csm is turned on (which I
think is part of the problem) and of course secure boot and fast boot
are off.
CSM? Definition plz.
when it boots it goes into BIOS, ok UEFI, and I can
choose or it
defaults to Linux. my preference would be to have a grub interface but
so be it for now.
suppose I now install Trinity. should I let it write to the mbr or
rather to its own partition?
if you know a good (detailed but essentials highlighted) online
reference, that would be great. as yet I'm confused about the logic of
So am I as I've not bought a board with a UEFI bios on it yet. However,
there is not a single reason trinity, to my knowledge, writes anything
to the MBR.
thanks for advice!
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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