On 21/04/11
08:12, Anthony Winter wrote:
sudo apt-get update
failed with
http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net squeeze
Could not resolve 'ppa2.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net'
Is this expected?
Similar errors here since yesterday. There are alternative repos, if
anyone can post what is current while this error remains.
Now the forum is disabled, it is especially difficult for new users, to
trawl back through a mailing list for old posts to get info; experienced
users can deal with it, could be a real showstopper for others
I just got word of this problem now; it appears to be a DNS issue, however
the DNS configuration of the Trinity web services has not been touched in
several months, leading me to suspect upstream equipment and/or caches.
Curiously, only the
ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net DNS entry is down;
all other DNS entries appear to be functioning normally. Also, "nslookup
ppa2.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net pearsoncomputing.net" returns proper
information, whereas "nslookup ppa2.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net"
It is very late here so I cannot look into the problem tonight, but I will
see what I can do tomorrow.
Looks like it was a simple DNS caching issue somewhere upstream; the issue
resolved at my test systems without my intervention overnight.
If you continue to have issues please let me know!