On Thu, 10 May 2018 22:20:00 -0400
dep <dep(a)drippingwithirony.com> wrote:
On May 10, 2018 9:33 PM, Felix Miata
<mrmazda(a)earthlink.net> wrote:
Xft.dpi is how TDE desktop settings forces DPI,
but with limited choices. Put
Xft.dpi in e.g. ~/.Xresources and it isn't limited.
The guys plugged in an x2 zoom such that it's effectively 1080x540. If it weren't
for stuff like scrollbars, I'd rather do it by adjusting fontsize, because I do a lot
of work in the GIMP, and the higher the resolution the happier I am for that.
If you're still struggling with this, you can override the font size (not the DPI or
zoom factor) for GTK2 applications by editing .gtkrc-2.0 for the appropriate
user. Mine has the line
gtk-font-name="Times New Roman, 12"
which does indeed produce text of the expected font and size.
Scrollbar width should be determined by the styles being applied. Unfortunately,
it's been a long time since I last looked into GTK2 styles (I threw together something
that satisfied me circa 2012 and have left it alone since). It's probably a setting
applied to Gtk-Scrollbar:: or Gtk-Range::, though, and the style files are plain text
and can be grepped for examples.
E. Liddell