Am Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2019 schrieb Michael:
On Wednesday 06 February 2019 07:17:22 pm Michele
Calgaro via
PS: The Search on the main page doesn't work
well? Or, most likely, I
just don't know how to use it. I was trying to find KLatin and then the
specific file that contains the "Description:" text from "apt show
All of these return 'No repositories found'
educational apps from the official Trinity release
I don't really care about latin, but is there an easy pattern to find the
Description texts?
You are on Ubuntu, you said, and if I'm not mistaken the apt tools should be
available and usable on your system, in this case especially apt-cache (see
the man page for more information...: man apt-cache)
The following command finds packages in your local database of available
packages which contain the string of the second argument as a pattern:
$ apt-cache search klatin
klatin-trinity - application to help revise/teach Latin
The output comes with the so called short description.
If there's no package which contains the string "klatin" in their name,
nothing would be found, of course.
If you want more information about a package, try this one (exact package
name required), which gives you a long description, too, if available,
depending on the particular package:
$ apt-cache show klatin-trinity
(output omitted)
If that's not enough, most of the time the homepage of the software is
given, too, but that's not the case with klatin-trinity.
Kind regards,