Hi all,
recently I encountere a problem with using Konsole. For some reason using Shift+<arrow
stopped working in Emacs. At first I thought Emacs is at fault but a quick investigation
that using Shift+<arrow> simply does not work in Konsole. With google's help I
found a solution
[1], which was to edit keytab file found in /opt/trinity/share/apps/konsole/. An
interesting fact
is that I found five files in that directory, but on my system Konsole is using a key set
named "XFree (4.x.x)" and that set is not found in the above directory. I
scanned the whole disk
for files ending with *keytab but found only these five files in konsole directory. Does
know where is the definition of "XFree (4.x.x)" key set? I'd like to fix the
problem by editing
that set but for now I have edited a set named "XFree (3.x.x)"
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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