said Dr. Nikolaus Klepp:
| Ah, ok, I somehow missed the part with /home still on sda1 ... sounds
| like a good reason to keep that drive :)
As well you should have! I mistyped -- /home is sda3, which as you note
justifies keeping the drive, not sda1, which would have been begging for
trouble, and with it there I would have deserved any ill that befell me!
Drive organization is, seems to me, a science and art unto itself. One of
the reasons I hated-hated-hated KDE-4.x was the insistence of the boys in
sprinkling the (at first just terrible) KDE all over the place instead of
maintaining the tradition of putting it where it belongs, in /opt/kde.
(That was another time when many of us were compiling the whole thing
every week or so. I did a Linux Planet piece in which I tested to see if
one could compile all of KDE -- 3.x at the time, I think -- in the time
that it took to drive from Newtown, Connecticut, to Key West, Florida. The
compile, on a P-133, took longer! But in /opt, it was easy to rename the
old, working directory, compile the new KDE, and if it didn't work switch
back to the old version.)